Cornell Notes System

Task 1

  1. What did you learn from note-taking methods 2?
  2. Which abbreviations will you use?
  3. What do you need to work on to improve your note-taking skills?
  4. What do you know about the Cornell note-taking system?

Task 2

  1. Have you seen this method before?
  2. What do you think each column is for?

Task 3

Task 3: The five stages in the Cornell notes system

There are five stages in this system, and they all begin with the letter ‘R’. What do you think they are? Put the correct word in each stage:

reflect / reduce / review / recite / record

Stage 1: _________________

During the lecture, record as much information as you can in the main column. 

Stage 2: _________________

After the lecture, complete the left column with questions about the content in the main column. These questions can be answered when you’re reviewing the lecture.

Stage 3: _________________

After the lecture, cover the main column and ask yourself the questions from the left column. See if you can answer the questions without looking at your notes in the main column.

Stage 4: _________________

Think about your own opinions and ideas as you read over your notes. Write these ideas down in a notebook and then use them in essays, exams, seminars or presentations. 

Stage 5: _________________

Spend ten minutes per week reviewing your notes.

Stage 1: Record

During the lecture, record as much information as you can in the main column. 

Stage 2: Reduce

After the lecture, complete the left column with questions about the content in the main column. These questions can be answered when you’re reviewing the lecture.

Stage 3: Recite

After the lecture, cover the main column and ask yourself the questions from the left column. See if you can answer the questions without looking at your notes in the main column.

Stage 4: Reflect

Think about your own opinions and ideas as you read over your notes. Write these ideas down in a notebook and then use them in essays, exams, seminars or presentations. 

Stage 5: Review

Spend ten minutes per week reviewing your notes.

Digital Documents

Complete Lesson 3 Booklet